12th December 2011

Received surprise delivery while merayau-rayau in my house kitchen just to not study.
(Ok, now wondering why weren't I studying when it was still during STPM at that time @.@)
Anyway, joined a Red Bull contest : design Red Bull can.
I submitted 2 entries.
I don't even remember my designs but my mum did, but nah, I still vaguely remember them.
So I received 2 prizes la.
I'll talk about the prize which arrived later than 12th, its just a drinking bottle.
Well, its of lousy quality of unknown polymer (I don't know how to differentiate PP, PE, all that).
Didn't manage to snap a picture of it, its location is now unknown >.< but here's to show you what it does not look like.
I repeat, DOES NOT.
These are much better damn! I don't mind getting one of these sial.
Looks of better quality, unlike the lousy low cost, chemical-smelling bottle that I got.

But on 12th the prize I received was.....
Tada! Cool helmet.
But I'm not sure if its...durable, reliable, etc.
But there's SIRIM sticker, so yeah.
Imma keep it to use it in near future when my boyfriend
mes to date me on his bike.
. . .
Helmet is cool though. The shape, although looks huge.
And there are airways~
But I'm not sure how exactly those airways help. @.@So I'm concluding that this helmet was designed by a design student, not an engineer/physics student.
Ok, maybe I should get myself a bike now, uh?

Keke, the kind of sports bike I like...
Ok, I'm not yet that into gears and stuff lo, my eyes and heart like it then like~ <3
This bike will give me backache in future. Haha.

Just simply like this bike, practical...but...

The piece a little too high, so this would be more convenient. :D
Can wear skirt to cycle hahas.
By the way, that black bike apparently is Chanel? Wulala~
You might be thinking I'm dumb for posting about bicycle bikes instead of motorcycle bikes, huh?
I'm just posting some + alot of my favourite things/things that I dream of having but never bother to get them.
Seriously. I just like to imagine having things.
Alright, here's motor time.

Vespa! Wait, is this Vespa???
I got a feeling its not. @.@
Vespa, Vespa. Isn't it the craze? I normally don't like to join the craze because it seems so normal (hehe ^^;) but Vespas looking good, mayn..

I think this pinky retro is also a Vespa, am I right? @.@
Sorry, noob here la. I don't even know bout the motor engine itself.
So explains why if I choose some weird, out of the world motor to put on my blog. >.<
But! I'm very sure this one is renowned - Kawasaki.

Just, like it? Hmm, I really have to sort out reasons for my like
s and dislikes.
This model looks light but I'm sure its still hard to control.
If not careful I think I can't somersault the whole thing an
d hurt myself.
Chicka bow wow.
And this, is one of my dream cars...ONE OF!!!

Haha, this is the only car out of many many cars that I can think of putting up now because I just saw it this morning.
And the driver was an old lady DAMN~
Well I guess you fully enjoy life/retirement when you're old.
Happy driving, aunty!
You very sampat lah Rachel