Today has got to be the extraordinary day with the most blog posts sial.
Terima kasih for actually reading all my 2!0!1!1! happenings!
Omg, seriously noob lo, blogging about last year, reading about last year.
So as you guys know, I am a STPM-er.
And I really miss those days when I stay up late to study.
Just look at the outcome.
After STPM I still having insomnia.
*clap clap*
So, the main thing I want to tell is, studying late night is a good thing also.
You can help your family to guard the house.
You can help your family to get rid of house lizards.
I'm seriously serious.
Just have a look.

This lizard. Amazing!
Look at its left eye there...the bullet that I shot actually was fast enough to tear its eye! And yeah, there is another shot on its body.
First bullet : eye. Second : body because even with its eye like that, it still was running away from me so - BANG!

Here's another lovely shot.
A mother lizard.
Look at the liquid from its egg. The mother lizard was still pregnant, the egg was in the body there. So, too bad.
Just like the saying, kill two lizards with one bullet. :D

Lastly, a baby lizard. This is easy, no need bullets and gun, all you need is a fly beater.
Its called a fly beater right??? I hope so, and I hope you know what I'm talking about. Teehee.
Actually I killed a lot more lizards but not all have that special awesome way of dying so I didn't bother to snap photos la.
I really want to establish a business regarding this. I'm pretty sure people would want to hire me, the LIZARD SLAYER~ *insert action movie soundtrack here*
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