Tuesday, February 21, 2012


This is gonna be another post about...LAST YEAR! 2011! Damn it I'm weird and stupid and slow! Haha but I'm still gonna blog about it. >.< Something weird happened in October 2011, my right shin started to swell really red and kinda big (old 50 cents size). I thought was just some blue black stuff and will go off soon but it went on until November, that's when I took photos of it. But what I snapped was a day after I pricked the swell with a needle, trying to press out stuff but nothing came out. After bathing, the skin around the hole I made formed an air sac, just a slight friction and my skin came off~ So, nothing came out and I didn't think much about it. (Actually I thought all sort of nonsense like, cancer growth, diabetes, etc lol hehe) Damn red lo, looks worrying from far. Since I wear skirt for school uniform, a few people noticed my red shin. Then one day I used all my might and pressed the annoyingly painful swell. Yeah, it was pain. -.- And pus came out. Look at how big the hole is, I was shocked lo, how come this will suddenly grow? I wonder if I was bitten by any insect. Still can remember the pain. >.< Dried. I thought : After this dry scab drop off, that's it. No more swelling, no more problem! :D :D But how wrong la I ni. :( :( The bloody thing got hole. My right shin has a hole! Although its dry, but water from bathing, and dirt from sweat, air, accumulate and form pus-like stuff. Sometimes I will press it out, sometimes I use needle/pin to dig out. T____T My leg beauty is ruined for life lo. I cannot achieve my dream of being a star that has perfect, flawless legs...like SNSD. HAHAX! Just look la. Damn life.This picture not so HD lo. You guys can contact me to have a look at this mysterious hole on my shin. Of course I'll charge. Keke kidding :'( Another saddening part of my life/body. The swell thing happened to my right knee as well! Discovered it in early November (first 2 weeks). Sad emo lo. But luckily this hole smaller. And not that black. I just only took a picture of it after I pressed it till blood came out. Why la why.

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