No offence!
'1 Malaysia, 1 Isteri' -- heard it on a Malay radio station lol
And its pink!
And hey, I bought a pair of pink shoes too.
5% pink la. :p 90% white and 5% black.
I'm wearing the pinky feet warmer now.
Pink is love. :)
(Ok, how do you spell the sound of water flowing out with force?)
Torn skin. :D
My splint which already have a deep cut believed to be performed by my lower right canine.
Good job in grinding, girl! 'Cause that really is your job. =.=''
Oh! Before I forget, one of the ways to overcome bruxism is Botox. @.@ Interesting...
I know that from here.
Argh!!! Actually I had my mind set in choosing Physics but I find myself to be more interested in this food-chewing motor rather than engine motor. Decisions...
Anyways, smile~